Стала известна личность пассажира, который устроил погром на борту самолета Нижнекамск - Москва и заявил, что у него с собой две бомбы
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a 42-year-old businessman named Dmitry Geyl caused a disturbance and threatened passengers on a flight from Nizhnekamsk to Moscow, claiming to have placed bombs on board while intoxicated. He was subsequently detained by police upon arrival at Sheremetyevo Airport.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that a 42-year-old businessman named Dmitry Geyl caused a disturbance and threatened passengers on a flight from Nizhnekamsk to Moscow, claiming to have placed bombs on board while intoxicated. He was subsequently detained by police upon arrival at Sheremetyevo Airport.